Last week Rush Limbaugh concluded that the Maersk Alabama was attacked by Somali pirates because it's well known that since January 20, 2009 the United States has misplaced its gonads. Well, it appears that the US Navy SEALS have proven that the United States does, in fact, have a pair. Which begs the question, "Does Rush have a pair?"
Seriously, this guy is one of a long line of GOP Chicken Hawks who has never worn the uniform but has no qualms about putting our servicemembers in harm's way just to prove a point. Rush sits in his sound-proofed studio all day ranting and raving and claiming to be a patriot but has he ever risked his neck for this country? NO.
And for the pirates who now vow revenge - what were you guys thinking? If you want to put on the eye patch and raise the jolly roger that's great but there should be some risk. Apparently that risk now includes a sniper's bullet.