Friday, February 20, 2009

Nancy Pelosi Has No Common Sense

The fact that Nancy Pelosi would take a fun trip to Italy, along with her straphangers, at taxpayer expense while the economy is imploding shows just how little sense she has for the world around her. This is the leader of the House of Representatives and the person who is supposed to take the new President's agenda, transform it into legislation and see that legislation through to law. As with any leader, her actions become the actions of all the persons she leads. If I was a House Democrat I'd be distancing myself from Pelosi poste haste. Pelosi has, since President Obama was sworn in, shown incredibly poor judgement (remember, the Stimulus legislation that was drafted under her leadership failed to get one GOP vote) and she needs to be replaced.


Anonymous said...

Here is a little cartoon I created that backs your point about Pelosi:

Scroll to bottom of page.

bh said...

Most districts in the country would NEVER vote someone like her into office. She only has to please her little district out there in California - otherwise she would be helpin her husband spend his fortune instead of ours.