Friday, May 29, 2009

Speaking of Racism . . .

couldn't you consider Rush's statement that Colin Powell only endorsed Obama because he's black a racist statement? Funny how Rush's negative statements are cloaked in patriotism but when Sonia Sotomayor makes reference to her background or that Latina women have a better perspective on certain topics than white males she's considered a racist or a biggot.
Yesterday on NPR an interviewer asked John Conyers about statements made by Samuel Alito during his confirmation hearings regarding his Italian heritage that were similar to those made by Sotomayor. Conyers said that he had forgotten that Alito had said those things; how convenient. Also convenient is how no one is mentioning statements made by Antonin Scalia about how courts set policy.
With each passing day the GOP is further marginalizing itself.


bh said...

If a white person made the same comment, he/she would be labeled as a racist. So of course a chubby white dude is gonna call her a bigot. Anytime a supreme court prospect makes a comment that is derrogatory towards any race, it should be considered because it reveals bias. This lady obviously has or had an agenda to advance a certain group of people. This isn't wrong unless you are a supposedly objective justice of the supreme court. If she still has this agenda (and she is a politician, so she CAN lie), then she should not be a judge. I don't know if she is still an activist.

I don't think Powell selected based on race, but it was a factor. But Powell is a good man, and his record does not show him to be discriminatory at all. Powell selected Obama because he simply couldn't support McCain. Imagine if he had supported McCain. What would the effects have been? Beyond the 24 hrs that CNN screams about it, not much in the grand scheme of things.

So Obama intentionally selected the best non-white candidate for supreme court, and in the process eliminated all white prospects based on their race from the get go. Is that racism? No because it is not hate-driven. Is it discrimination? Yes - it eliminates prospects based solely on race. But it is part of justice selection to ensure diversity. And it's a great way to ensure more Latino votes. And THAT's what it's all about.

My point (finally) is that Rush's comments were not racist. They were simply politically driven. The political environment right now is all about minorities and what politicians can do for them, because they are the voters now.

Rush should retire - he is reminding me of Jimmy the Greek.
I cannot stand Rush Limbaugh - he is a terrible rep of the GOP. But I don't think he was racist by accusing someone else of discrimination. But his comments were unfair and inaccurate IMHO.

Bluedog said...

I believe Sotomayor's comment related to adjudicating a case involving someone with a background similar to her own. In that regard I don't consider her comment to be racist or biggoted. If she had made a blanket comment that a Latina judge would make a better decision that a white-male judge that would be different.

Those calling for adjudication on black letter law don't realize just how often judges consider extenuating and mitigating circumstances. I used to do this all the time in the Army while administering non-judicial punishment. Soldiers broke the rules quite often and when those offenses were serious enough we'd deal with them using what is known as an Article 15. As the judge, I'd listen to a soldier's explanation for the offense and if I thought he made good points I'd either toss the case or be more lenient when deciding on punishment.

So, if Sotomayor considers things other than black letter law when making judicial decisions I think that makes her a better judge.

bh said...

Looking at it, I don't think her comment was racist either. Her words were simply poorly chosen. My point was (poorly made perhaps) that Rush's comment was not racist.

What matters the most IMHO is how the justice interprets the constitution.But the Presidents all choose based on one thing: VOTES.

Think Obama is sealing up some Latino votes with this pick? Think the GOP is set up to be conveyed as a racist party by fighting her confirmation? It just sets up perfectly - the GOP is going to just get worse and worse and can do nothing right. They are damned if they do, damned if they don't.

Is the Supreme Court meant to represent the people or the Constitution? Does interpreting the constitution require a person to be hispanic? The Supreme Court is not elected by the people and does not represent the people, and should not be required to have a certain racial makeup. It is used to get votes.

I don't hear the asian-american population screaming for an asian justice. Maybe we need a mixed race justice also. While we are at it, lets get a french-canadian-american up there. Don't forget about Jews and Catholics and Muslims.

If the lady is qualified, fine. But to eliminate all prospects of a different race based on race alone is unconstitutional IMHO. And when that same person has made comments aimed at white people or any race, it just adds fuel to the fire.