General Powell's endorsement of Senator Obama was not only an endorsement of Obama but also a rebuke of McCain and the Bush Administration. General Powell eloquently addressed Senator McCain's helter skelter behavior with respect to the unfolding credit crisis, the failed attempt to link Senator Obama to Williams Ayers, and McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate. All of his arguments have been made before but they were discounted as coming from the liberal media. Now that they're coming from General Powell such arguments have to be taken seriously. Bush's war hawks put Colin Powell out on a limb when they sent him to the UN to make the case for war and this is wonderful payback.
The morning read for Tuesday, Jan. 21
16 hours ago
This endorsement is huge! I don't believe there could have been a more influential Republican than Colin Powell. There are no Republican Presidents, Cabinet Members, or Generals that could have as much influence on the American Public than Colin Powell.
I agree that it is very influential. However, I must question his motive and reasoning. He was after all a part of the Bush cabinet that Obama slams every chance he gets. He was extremely involved, although in different capacities, in both Iraq wars under both Bushes. So now he is going to be an Obama advisor? Very interesting. But I thought we didn't need the same policies of the last 8 years?
Obama is a clear favorite to win the election. Powell is putting himself in position to be on the cabinet. Right on que, Obama today stated that Powell would be an advisor. Coincidence? Is Powell above that? I thought so, but I was wrong. Some thought Powell would be McCain's VP. But since McCain did not select him, and has been mean to Obama the past few weeks in attempts to find the truths about Obama's past, he is all of a sudden a democrat.
The other thing is the reasons that Powell gave when he announced his endorsement. His reasons appeared to be about McCain (choice of Palin, negative campaign tactics, etc), not so much about Obama. He said Obama was a "transitional figure". Sure he is, but to what?
I do not believe as many do that race had anything to do with it. I do however believe that his reasoning is based on emotion and not fundamentals of democracy and capitalism, which are the principles this country was founded upon.
Powell walked out on that limb you speak of - if he did not believe in what he was speaking for, he should have told Bush to go prune himself.
I suppose that if people have already decided, they will read this in a way to support their decision. That is for sure. My mind was not changed by Powell's flip.
Bluedog, since i seem to post extraneous rants on your blog, i decided to create my own. You inspired me, what can I say. Check it out at I would love for you to follow it as I think we have some contructive agreements and disagreements, not to mention a common desire for a Monty Python Network.
One other thing - there is a large number of democrats that are smearing Obama, not just republicans as Powell implies. I get emails from DEMOCRATS that smear him, say he is the antichrist, say that he is Muslim, saying that his birth certificates are false. These are not white people either - they are low income democrats that lost their jobs in the past 8 years.
Swingtrader - disagreement is never a bad thing. Your comments are thought-provoking and I appreciate them. I look forward to following your blog.
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