I was wondering this morning how President Elect Obama will deal with his upcomming transition. Obama will be the first president since Kennedy to be elected from the Senate and it just seems that this will help him (as it could have helped McCain). He has been working with those Senators who were re-elected for four years now and so he should understand their likes, dislikes and how to negotiate with them. My understanding is that Clinton, not having dealt with Washington politics, came in like a bull in a china shop and immediately alienated quite a few folks in Congress (and the Pentagon). Obama is a smart guy and since he understands the Senate I think he'll do a pretty good job transitioning into the presidency.
I'm very anxious to start hearing news of potential cabinet appointments and I would not be too surprised if Obama picks some moderate Republicans. I'd love to see Bill Richardson get a cabinet post. Anyone out there have any suggestions?
The morning read for Tuesday, Jan. 21
16 hours ago
Secretary of Defense--Sam Nunn
Attorney General--Patrick Fitzgerald
Bill Richardson--Secretary of State
Hadn't thought of Sam Nunn. Some are saying that Obama will offer Sec Def to Colin Powell but that Gates will stay on initially.
I like Richardson for Secretary of State.
Lincoln Chafee and Jim Jeffords may also have a place in an Obama cabinet.
I don't keep up with all the possible names like al, but I would expect Obama to be very moderate in his selections. I don't know so much about particular positions in the cabinet, but I can tell you who I would like to see on it in some role. Some are unusual, but these are unusual times.
Colin Powell
Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan CEO)
Jim Cramer (yes that Cramer)
John McCain
Al Gore
Oprah Winfrey
Warren Buffett
Bill Gates
Jack Welch (former GE CEO)
T. Boone Pickens
Art Laffer
Robert Kiyosaki (Author, Investor)
Paul Volcker (ex-Fed chair)
Alan Greenspan (ex-Fed chair)
Larry Kudlow (Reagan Econ advisor)
Each of these individuals are great Americans and have proven it through their actions. They have all achieved on their own without the croneyism that ruled the Bush cabinet.
My last two: Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank (only to get them out of congress as quickly as possible)
I have no use for Pelosi and Reid isn't a favorite of mine either.
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