- So, I'm driving my usual 65 during this morning's commute when a yellow-plated state-owned car zips past doing at least 75. The interesting part is that the car was sporting a bumper sticker that said "Drive Smart. Save Fuel." This is worth a letter to the News & Observer.
- On the topic of wasteful spending habits: much has been said about wasteful portions of the economic stimulus package. While I agree that, in appearance, $250mm to Hollywood is wasteful I'd like to see the details before making my decision. Was the film to be purchased from California film makers? If so, doesn't that stimulate the California economy? What about the expenditures on hybrid automobiles for government agencies? Is that wasteful? If the government buys Ford Escape Hybrids or GM Hybrids won't that benefit the U.S. auto industry? And why exactly is fixing up the NIH headquarters wasteful? Is the headquarters in need of repair? If so why not do it? Won't such work benefit contractors (such as Joe the Plumber) and suppliers? I guess my point is that is appears that folks are more worried about form over substance. Sure, it looks bad to be giving $250mm to Hollywood but is it bad in substance? Of course the Dems get low marks for not realizing that some of these "projects" were just begging for GOP criticism.
The morning read for Tuesday, Jan. 21
16 hours ago
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